[In Chinese] How Indian Consulting Companies (ICC) abuse H1b visas

If you can understand Chinese, please follow this person’s youtube channel, and find out how Indian Consulting Companies (ICC) abuse H1b visas, how multi-petition trick works, and how this dirty trick would hurt U.S. economy.

Please support our White House petition “Remove and Ban Cheaters Who Sent Multi-Petition Before H1B Lottery Selection” http://wh.gov/iZAhc for stopping H1B visa fraud! Please sign up, and confirm your vote in the confirmation email.

Our petition is now on Top 20 and the first page of “Popular Petitions”

Please check this page https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions/popular/0/2/0/ (please scroll down)

We need your voice. We can make equal job opportunities for all we high skill workers. Please support our White House petition “Remove and Ban Cheaters Who Sent Multi-Petition Before H1B Lottery Selection” http://wh.gov/iZAhc for stopping H1B visa fraud! Please sign up, and confirm your vote in the confirmation email.

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India’s Tata Consultancy accused in U.S. lawsuit of South Asian bias

Some consulting companies have some issues of “overwhelming favoritism toward workers of South Asian descent in the United States.”

Please read: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/04/16/us-tata-bias-lawsuit-idUSKBN0N71SA20150416

(Reuters) – Tata Consultancy Services Ltd has been sued by a white American information technology worker who accused India’s largest software services exporter of overwhelming favoritism toward workers of South Asian descent in the United States.

From this study http://www.epi.org/blog/new-data-infosys-tata-abuse-h-1b-program/ most of H1b visas were given to Indian workers, where Tata Consultancy Services Ltd was listed as the top 2nd H1b sponsor. Tata abused H1b visas for “shipping” workers from Indian, which could be a reason for this “overwhelming favoritism”.

Please support our White House petition “Remove and Ban Cheaters Who Sent Multi-Petition Before H1B Lottery Selection” http://wh.gov/iZAhc for stopping H1B visa fraud! Please sign up, and confirm your vote in the confirmation email.

Sen. Sessions and his colleagues called for a federal investigation into abuses in the H1B program

From twitter: these dishonest companies are using H1b visas as ‘a highly lucrative business model of bringing in cheaper H-1B workers to substitute for Americans’.

Today Sen. Sessions and his colleagues called for a federal investigation into abuses in the #H1B program: http://1.usa.gov/1arP33v

“Southern California Edison ought to be the tipping point that finally compels Washington to take needed actions to protect American workers. As Professor Ron Hira testified, the H-1B visa has become ‘a highly lucrative business model of bringing in cheaper H-1B workers to substitute for Americans… Most of the H-1B program is now being used to import cheaper foreign guestworkers, replacing American workers, and undercutting their wages.’ The U.S. is graduating twice as many STEM students each year as find jobs in those fields, yet the H-1B program continues to provide IT companies with a large annual supply of lower-wage guest workers to hire in place of more qualified Americans. There is no ‘shortage’ of talented Americans, only a shortage of officials willing to protect them.”

Please support our White House petition “Remove and Ban Cheaters Who Sent Multi-Petition Before H1B Lottery Selection” http://wh.gov/iZAhc for stopping H1B visa fraud! Please sign up, and confirm your vote in the confirmation email.

Change work location: a trick of H1B fraud

Some companies secretly change H1B visa location to some places other than that list on the original Labor Condition Application (LCA), and they also secretly lower employee’s wage. These companies are usually called “the bodyshop”, which fake some job positions so they can submit multiple H1b petitions for their future employees. When H1B lottery has finished and they “ship” their employees who get H1B in the lottery to another places for lower wage.


In Matter of Simeio Solutions, LLC, the employer attested in its original H-1B petition that the employee would work at Long Beach, California, but subsequently confirmed that the employee was no longer working there, and submitted a new LCA for Camarillo, California, and Hoboken, New Jersey, without filing an H-1B amendment.

Additionally, in the original H-1B petition, the company attested that it would pay the employee an annual salary of $50,232, which is $9,000 less than the wage required (prevailing wage) in the two new locations. Because the original wage attestation was no longer sufficient nor corresponded with the new LCA for the two new locations, the change in place of employment was deemed to have affected the validity of the employee’s H-1B.

To read more about this case and the decision of revoking their H1B visas, please go to http://www.justice.gov/eoir/vll/intdec/vol26/3832.pdf 

Please support our White House petition “Remove and Ban Cheaters Who Sent Multi-Petition Before H1B Lottery Selection” http://wh.gov/iZAhc for stopping H1B visa fraud! Please sign up, and confirm your vote in the confirmation email.